Friday, September 14, 2018

Nga kiriata kiriahua mo te wiki o Te Reo Maori

Nau mai haere mai ki Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori.  In Room 2 we have been creating our own Maori Selfie videos.  For some of us, we have just worked on saying our pepeha and our whakapapa with confidence, for others we have been extending our reo by saying what we like and our goals.
First we wrote what we wanted to say in Maori, some of us used Maori dictionary for kupu (words) we did not know, but most of us asked Whaea Sally to help us.

Finally, we recorded our own selfie movie.  We recorded our kiriata in a variety of ways, some used green screen, some used screencastify and others just recorded using our chromebook camera.

Kia kaha ki te korero Maori, ahakoa he iti -give speaking Maori a go, no matter how little.


  1. Hello room 2 my name is Jacob I like that you made this but next time can you tell me how you make it like tell us how long did you take to make it if you no can you tell, me thanks and can you tell us how you write in Maori. if you can well hope you enjoy this.
    from Jacob
    Year 7
    Yaldhurst Model School.

  2. Hi by reading what you have wrote it sounds fun but next time could you write a little bit more about what you are doing because I don't really understand what you are trying to say in the last few sentences of the writing. In the slides I love the fortnite clip that you have put in I think it is really cool. Next time I think you should put the writing in the slide that you put everything else and I think it will look cooler that way and more interesting.
    Kind regards
