Thursday, June 28, 2018

Hiwi the Kiwi and looking after the moana.

We had a very special guest at Kawakawa Primary school this afternoon. Not only did the "Minstrel" and his lovely wife come to sing and dance with the tamariki, but they also came to share some very valuable lessons about looking after the moana, it's creatures and ourselves.

Herbert was able to answer one of the Minstrel's questions, and he received a sticker for a prize.

One thing we really liked about the Minstrel was the way he could turn someone's name into a rhyme, and of course his very funny humour.  This was his last tour so we will miss the Minstrel and hope that he and his wife enjoy their retirement.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Project Energise - Too much sugar.

Matua Bodean came in to show our tamariki how much sugar is in our drinks that are sold in the shops, the children were amazed at the amount of sugar that was in each drink.  They guessed which drink had the most and which had the least, they knew instantly that water was the drink with the least amount of sugar but did not know which drink had the most.  We are hoping to do an experiment where we can see how much sugar is left in the drink.