Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Bringing back the bird song

On Tuesday, Ngā Rau Puawai and Room 1 went to the Ipipiri islands with Ria and Debbie from the Project Island Song team. Before we went to the islands we learnt a few things about what the Project island team does and how they look after the islands and keep them pest-free.

The tamariki really enjoyed what they had learnt and the haerenga to project island. Their mission afterward was to create a D.L.O to show their learning.

Kahukura, Manawa-Rangi, Te Aroha, Kianni and Nevaeh put together a Project island movie trailer.

Rawiri, George, Lulu and Khyan did an animation.

Righteous and Mahina put together an acrostic poem.

Ria, Debbie and the rest of the team were really happy with the learning that we shared. Thank you to the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust for supporting such an awesome kaupapa.