Friday, May 31, 2019

2019 SBOI Culture Festival

Kawakawa primary school were very fortunate to host the 2019 Southern Bay of Islands Culture festival.  We kick started our morning with a powhiri whakatau for all of the other kura who came then first up was Te Mana Tamariki o Kawakawa. This is the teina roopu at our kura, Matua Horrace and Whaea Whetu take the group and Ngā Rau Puawai were cheering for 2 of our students who are in the group - Peyton and Maiah-Lee. Check out their performance.

The girls in Te Rau Poumanawa have been practising hula for the past few weeks. They have been learning this dance to help them loosen up with their kapa haka performance, this was one of Whaea Sally's favourite items for the day.  If you look closely, you can see some of our NRP girls - Jojo, Kahukura and Manawa-Rangi.

Last but not least our competition group Te Rau Poumanawa performed a few items. We were very proud of all our students from Ngā Rau Puawai who performed this afternoon - Zowyn, Jeremiah, Kyle, Kahukura, Manawa-Rangi and Jojo.


Do you like the backdrop on our atamira - stage?

It's actually a kite painted by a wonderful friend of Whaea Verbina - her name is Theresa Raihana. The two beautiful wahine on the kite are Whaea Verbina and Whaea Sally's nannies - their names are Marohia Kupe and Paretauira Hapimana and they are from Waikato.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Hui-ā-kura TAKE 2!!

Today we had our second hui-ā-kura for the school year. For the past 4 weeks, we have been preparing and practising all of our items.  When we started planning for our assembly, we tried to work with a theme "Te Marama" however, some of us negotiated with Whaea Sally and changed up some of the items we originally planned.  Below you will see the slide we showed at assembly, all of the moving GIFS that you see are animations that we created ourselves using google slides, screencasting and

One of our reading group called Te Roopu Maihi recreated their own version of Maui and Tama-nui-te-Ra.  Te Aroha rewrote the story, Rawiri selected the music and together with George and Righteous, the group animated the story using google slides.

The kotiro in our class wanted to do a just dance and chose wolves by Selena. To switch things up in assembly the tamariki decided to create some of their own dance moves in the routine, they recorded their new dance on greenscreen and we turned it into a kizoa movie. Here it is.

The boys decided to do the same as the girls but they chose "You don't know you're beautiful" from One Direction, here is their video below.

Unfortunately because of time, Te Roopu Tuwhare reading group could not share with the kura their shadow puppet play "Rona and Te Marama" so we have decided that we will show this item next term

Tell us what your favourite assembly item is in our comments, or even better leave us some feedback and feedforward to work on for next time. Hei konei ra!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Word clouds for our Mums

This morning Whaea Sally had us creating our own word clouds for a mother's day treat, we explored and made hearts for our mums. Since we were pushed for time, we were able to put in some of the words that describe our mums. Some of us chose to make our word clouds for other special ladies in our lives who are like a mother to us too.

Here are our word clouds