Kawakawa primary school were very fortunate to host the 2019 Southern Bay of Islands Culture festival. We kick started our morning with a powhiri whakatau for all of the other kura who came then first up was Te Mana Tamariki o Kawakawa. This is the teina roopu at our kura, Matua Horrace and Whaea Whetu take the group and Ngā Rau Puawai were cheering for 2 of our students who are in the group - Peyton and Maiah-Lee. Check out their performance.
The girls in Te Rau Poumanawa have been practising hula for the past few weeks. They have been learning this dance to help them loosen up with their kapa haka performance, this was one of Whaea Sally's favourite items for the day. If you look closely, you can see some of our NRP girls - Jojo, Kahukura and Manawa-Rangi.
Last but not least our competition group Te Rau Poumanawa performed a few items. We were very proud of all our students from Ngā Rau Puawai who performed this afternoon - Zowyn, Jeremiah, Kyle, Kahukura, Manawa-Rangi and Jojo.
Do you like the backdrop on our atamira - stage?
It's actually a kite painted by a wonderful friend of Whaea Verbina - her name is Theresa Raihana. The two beautiful wahine on the kite are Whaea Verbina and Whaea Sally's nannies - their names are Marohia Kupe and Paretauira Hapimana and they are from Waikato.