Friday, July 27, 2018

Meet the creatures of the Awa

This is a Toebiter stream insect and it lives in the rivers here in Aotearoa.  Research and find 3 important or interesting facts about this creature and share it in the comments.


  1. They are 25 milometer long and they bait young kids as known as dobsonfly

    1. Does this mean that they bait children like yourself Thomas, what is a dobsonfly?

  2. They Have One of the Most Painful Bites in the Insect World.

    1. Wow I would not like to be bitten by a Toebiter Kieron. Can you tell me 3 other insects who bite?

  3. hi my name is maria and that bus so instring and they look very herry

  4. Giant Water Bugs Can Exceed 4.75” in Length. “Giant” isn't just a cute name for a small bug.Male Water Bugs Are Responsible for the Babies. Water Bugs Play Dead.

  5. Hey do you know that iv'e never heard of water bugs

  6. These predators are typically encountered in freshwater ponds, marshes and slow-flowing streams.

  7. Hi I am Jake from Awahono School. I like your bug, that is creepy. What bug is it?

  8. Hi Room 2,
    I'm piper from Yaldhurst Model School,
    This insect looks really interesting and sorta creepy.
    now that I know they live in streams and rivers im sorta scared to go swimming later in the summer.
    where or when did you find out about it. I found out that they are native in south canada and the united states, and that they are also called belostomatidae (which is very hard to say for me).
    I liked searching about the toe biter and learning more about this different insect.
    great job!
