Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Whaea KC and Kiorahi

We were very lucky to have Whaea KC come from the Ngati Hine health trust to teach us the game of Kiorahi today.  A lot of us already knew how to play but we still went over the rules of
the game.  We played right through morning tea as well.  Thank you Whaea KC for your time, we can't wait to see you next time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 2, I am Kade
    I am a year 5 at Yalhurst
    It is really cool that you learned Ki-O-Rahi
    Because Rimu has and its really cool.
    Did you guys get to go to a Tournament.
    Because Some kids in Rimu did and
    I was one of them.
    Yours sincerly
