Friday, March 10, 2017

Wacky Weather, Wacky Tales!

On this wet and humid day, we decided to have a little fun with parts of speech by going onto a website called Wacky Web Tales.  The Year 6 students were already familiar with this site but it was the first time our Year 5's created their very own Wacky Web Tale. 
Whaea Sally went through the different parts of speech such as exclamation, nouns, verbs and adverbs.  It was important for us to go over things like plurals and tenses.  But it all paid off when we began to create our Wacky Web Tale.  It was Hilarious!
Here are some of our Wacky Web Tales from today.  Enjoy!


  1. Kia Ora it is Ruby and Briea, We loved wacky web tales but our favourite would be Super Salad. Next time you could make the size of the words bigger so we can see them better.
    How did you get the idea of creating Wacky web tales?
    Kai Pai (Good work)
    From Ruby and Briea

  2. Kia Ora Room 2!

    I loved hearing about your wacky web tales; they seem really cool! I am reading this book called ¨Spy X" itś about this girl who gets a mystery package saying ¨If you ever want to see your mum again bring him¨. Its a great story that involves Mystery, Romance and Jealousy. Keep on posting, our class loves hearing about your adventures and activities. Great job! Do you have a class/school library? If so what is your favourite book?

    Thank you!
    Rimu Class,
    Yaldhurst Model School,

  3. LOVE the way you have learned about parts of a speech, found a wacky website to support your writing and then shared what you wrote in a createive way. I laughed out loud when I read - Why I love fall - and saw that bikes were flying South for the winter! There is certainly some wacky writing going on in Room 2. Great that Rimu class are leaving you fantastic comments - remember to reply to them.

  4. Hi my name is Mia from Yaldhurst school and I really like your wacky web tales because once I read one I could already tell that it was really weird. Something that you should think about is your slide because it might be easier too just right it on the slide.

  5. Hi Room 2,
    I thought your wacky web tales were interesting and strange.
    I liked a the Wacky Tale story.
    Maybe I should try it?
    Did your teacher write her own story?
    Kind regards Ian

    Yaldhurst Model School.

  6. Hi Room 2.

    I found your post very interesting and weird.
    Was Mia allowed to write that post because me and my friend found it funny and weird.

  7. Hi room 2

    This is an amazing post on an awesome site that looks amazing I really like how you added the link to the site and the slide you made.

    Zach yaldhurst model school

  8. Hello Room 2,

    This is a really cool post. I love Vaughan's story, it's awesome how you even made a picture of the creature.

    Yaldhurst Model School

  9. Hi Room 2, Thank you for sharing your wacky weather tales. They were pretty wacky. It was great to read about how much fun you had making them. What else have you been working on? We'd love to read about some other Room 2 happenings. From Mrs Spragg, Yaldhurst Model School

  10. Hi Room 2,
    I really like your Wacky Web Tales because it sounds like you spent a lot of time working on them, and had alot of fun!

    Next time you could re-read them to make sure they make sense.

    Yaldhurst Model School

  11. Hi room 2
    I really like that because it is cool and i want to do that.

  12. Hi there school B my name is lauren from yms I like this post a lot was it fun to make these word clouds.
