Friday, November 18, 2016

Best Class of the week!!!

Hooray!! We were picked as best class of the week at Kawakawa Primary.  All week we had to
(1) Line up ready for Morning Assembly,
(2) Sing our waiata with pride.
(3) Show respect by listening and keeping quiet.

Now we get to have a special hot lunch at school...mmmm... We also get to pick who the best class will be next week.  I wonder who it will be?


  1. hello my name is tae from ohaeawai school and i like your photo and hi fire sally

    1. Thank you for your comment Tae. I was very proud of Room 2.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS Room 2! You must be very proud. I love it when I come to visit Kawakawa School and hear you singing your waiata in the morning. It is the best start to the day! I am sure you will be watching all of the other classes very carefully this week to see who is showing respect and listening well.
