Monday, February 22, 2016

Today after a very long, long time our school pool was reopened. All the students participated in the opening and enjoyed a great pool party. We now have great new change rooms and the pool is painted dark blue colour which makes it look amazing. It is so great that we don't have to trek to the college every day to swim.
We have been lDisplaying IMG_0590.JPGearning to visualize and draw on paper what we see in our minds as Mrs Lemon describes something to us. Here are our nogard visualizations

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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Chromebook Roll Out

.Yesterday was the school Chromebook roll out day where over 100 students received their own chrome book. There was much excitement as the teachers had blown up balloons and tied them around the boxes with ribbon. We are very thankful to our parents for their support in providing the money for this resource and we will work hard to make them proud.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

This week we are working with Chris to help us understand and work with our chrome books. Chris is a facilitator who works in school one day  a week helping us and the teacher to learn new apps on our chrome books.